Links to more information from the
May-June 2018 Big River
Future locations of the I-74 Mississippi River Bridge (between Bettendorf, Iowa, and Moline, Ill.) virtual reality experience simulations will be announced online at http://i74riverbridge.com/outreach/meetings.aspx. You can experience the bridge simulations through May at the Moline Public Library.
Register for the I Can Fish! and other outdoor skill-building programs through the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Dates and locations are on their website.
The Army Corps of Engineers plans to remove dredge spoils from storage site
about two miles upstream of Lock and Dam 3 just below Diamond Bluff, Wis.The draft Environmental Impact Statement for the project is on the website of the Corps’ St. Paul District. Comments on the EIS can be directed to Trevor Cyphers at 651-290-5031 or at trevor.w.cyphers@usace.army.miluntil May 7.Link to the Corps' project posting
More information about and photos of Cecropias
Bola spider photos
U of Milwaukee Field station paper on Giant Silk Moths
Wikipedia entry on Hyalophora_cecropia
Mother Nature Network on the cecropia, the largest moth in North America
Richie Swanson, red-shouldered hawks
Richie Swanson's website
Richie's profile of the red-shouldered hawk
The Red River Ox Cart Trail
Exploring the Ox Cart Trail
DNR Eagle Cam
Mississippi River Restoration - Environmental Management Program
River Organizations
River Resources
River Travel Map
the Mississippi: People taking all kinds of trips down the river
on the Upper Mississippi
levels on the Upper Miss.
90-Day Journey of a Raindrop on
the Mississippi River by Gayle Harper. Blog, Surrendering to
complete issues from 2006 and 2007
More Stories Published in
past issues of Big River
Waiting for the Julia Belle Swain (pdf)
By John Gabbert The hard, gritty, expensive work of rescuing one of the finest steam sternwheeler packet boats ever built is nearly finished. Jan-Feb 2017
Effigy Mounds of the Wisconsin River Valley
By Sara Millhouse September-October 2016
Coldwater Cave May-June 2016
By Capt. Ted Peck
Nighthawk Twilight
By Molly McGuire July-Aug 2015
Carp Poetry Winners - July-Aug 2015
12 Great Rivertown Gardens (pdf) - May-June 2015
Where's the Carp? Commercial fishermen have noticed an overall decline in the number of common carp - May-June 2015
Sex Life of Floodplain Trees March-April 2015
Carp Catch 22 - where can you buy wild-caught smoked carp, and why isn't it at your local grocer's? (pdf) March-April 2015
When Big Mama Ruled the Rivers - the Sprague Jan-Feb 2015
River Pilgrims Nov-Dec 2014
Outdoor Dreams Come True - North America Squirrel Association Nov-Dec 2014
Time and the River (PDF) by Ryan Johnson March-April 2014
The Living Caves of Kickapoo Winters Jan-Feb 2014
Ike Hasting's and his Picket Hastings Jan-Feb 2014
CD Review:
Can You Canoe? By the OkeeDokee Brothers
Reviewed by Naomi Rath
Leo and Marilyn
Smith: River Dreams in Wood (pdf)
March-April 2012
Sand Dollars —
Mining Frac Sand in the River Valley (pdf
July-Aug 2011
Summer of
Weeds Nov-Dec 2010
Boykin Spaniels and Box Turtles July-Aug 2010
Almost-Built Canal: Linking Lake Superior to the Mississippi
March-April 2010
Flood Run also
March-April 2010
The Day WWII Came to Lake Pepin
Nov-Dec 2007
Iceboating on the Mississippi
Jan-Feb 2007
down on the river
Overlooks, lookouts, precipices and blufftop peaks
Otter Kind of Critter
Book Reviews
over the Mississippi
Decoys (pdf)
Stories from Big River Magazine