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Links to info from stories in Pushing the River
--------------------------------------------------- Links to info from stories in Electric Motor Links Cold-Water Dipping Story Links Water temperature data for L&D5 from the Army Corps of Engineers Links to info from stories in November-December 2024 Mississippi River Water Trails Association
Links to info from stories in September-October 2024 Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Find streamflow and paddling conditions as well as updates on related redevelopment projects. * Puffballs “Fun with Calvatia, giant puffballs” – originally posted by the UW-La Crosse mycology teacher Tom Volk. Illinois Mycological Association * Wisconsin Public Access Lands Map (PAL) * American Eel The Seret Life of Eels - Nature Conservancy
Links to info from stories in January-February 2024: Wilderness Mindset is making a documentary about The Mississippi Speed Record. You can see where animals have been recorded by going to the global Motus system https://motus.org Submit Anonymous tip about a car found in the river 30 years ago:www.cityofdubuque.org/209/Police or 800-747-0117.
Links to more information about stories in the November-December 2023 issue International Flavors in Winona Miya japanese bistro (507) 961-0200 Sapori di Sicilia (507) 474-6155 Norvary North Vietnamese Cuisines (507) 474-1037 *** Concrete Art Kohler Foundation Preserved Sites
Links to more information about stories in the September-October 2023 issue "Bite an Invasive" A complete list of invasive species in each state: Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois Also: "Eating Invasive Species" in Scientific American
"Defining the Driftless" Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Maps and Publications The Driftless Area: The extent of unglaciated and similar terrains in Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota
"Beetle Farmers Wanted" More on Purple Loosestrife
Henry Lewis and his Moving Pictures A full set of color plates based on his sketches can be viewed online at the Northern Illinois University Digital Library.
Green Burials
Dead Zone Forecast NOAA and partners announce below-average 'dead zone' measured in Gulf of Mexico
Links from the July-August 2023 issue Upper Midwest Hazelnut Development Initiative Frank Lloyd Wright Trail in Wisconsin Links from the March-April 2023 issue
Links from the January-February 2023 issue Here's a link to the Western Illinois University feasability studyabout sending water from the Mississippi River to western states. *** Reno Bottoms Habitat Rehabilitation & Enhancement Project (Army Corps of Engineers) *** Fish Kills in Minnesota (MPCA) *** Videos of bow-facing oars: www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AL6fD1UPEE www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsY1gemFjNI *** Links from the November-December 2022 issue backchannelradio.org Carp Herpes in Storm Lake Climate Resilience La Crosse, Wis. Links from the September-October 2022 issue The Iowa Department of Natural Resources has updated its fishing maps and maps of fishing structures. Dale Sanders, Greybeard Adventurer Lead Poisoning — Raptor Center Kernza — The Land Institute Scuds: Citizen Science Opportunities are available with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Links from the July-August 2022 issue Contaminated WellsLancaster, Wis. About a third of southwest Wisconsin wells had coliform bacteria or nitrate levels that exceeded state standards, according to the Southwest Wisconsin Groundwater and Geology study, released in May. There are about 16,000 private wells in the study area of Grant, Iowa and Lafayette counties. As elsewhere in the country, there’s no comprehensive system for monitoring the safety of water from private wells, which are the source of drinking water for nearly all rural residents. The study found that older, shallower wells closer to livestock and farm fields were more likely to be contaminated. The study also found that shallow topsoil and porous bedrock increased the likelihood of well contamination. Unsurprisingly, human contamination was more likely when septic systems were close to wells. Those seeking more information on private well testing in Wisconsin can contact their local extension office or county public health agent.Click here to see the study. Black Earth PFAS Don’t eat fish from Black Earth Creek more than once a week, because trout sampled there have elevated levels of PFAS, chemicals that can increase cholesterol and cancer risks and decrease immune responses and fertility. PFAS have been used for years in nonstick cookware, firefighting foam and other products. Black Earth Creek is one of the most popular trout streams in Wisconsin. Click here to check advisories for your local Wisconsin waterway. Modeling the River The Army Corps of Engineers has finished a hydraulic model of the Upper Mississippi to help communities weigh flood risks. The St. Paul, Rock Island and St. Louis districts worked for seven years on the model, which is intended to help plan development and mitigate flood risks. The million-dollar computer model covers from St. Paul to Thebes, Ill., as well as the Illinois River from Grafton to Lockport, Ill. Click here for more information.
Links from the May-June 2022 issue Maquoketa River Trail Dubuque, Iowa Big Blue Sky Meet the band, listen to their music and check out their calendar Mississippi Man Catches Huge Catfish
Links from the March-April 2022 issue Army Corps Navigation Charts of the Mississippi River for download. Mostly Mississippi: A Very Damp Adventure at the Library of Congress
Corps' Bosses Busted From 2001, eighth in a special Big River series on the Army Corps Navigation Study. A high-ranking officer in the Army Corps of Engineers falsified pivotal economic information in the Corps’ Navigation Study to get the agency a billion-dollar project to expand locks on the Mississippi River, according to Army investigators.
Links from the January-February 2022 issue The Epic Battle to Break the Mississippi River Canoe Record Tailwater Ice Fishing Watch the tailwater ice fishing segment of the Tom Gruenwald Outdoor show “Take Me to the River.” Current Events The Julia Belle Swain is sold.
Wisconsin large mammal observation form
Accessing Mazomanie Bottoms Area in Wisconsin
Links from the November-December 2021 issue City of Davenport Flood Resiliency Plan Final Concept
Buffers Keep Our Water Clean The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency monitors the state’s waters and displays data about every stream, lake and ditch in all 88 of Minnesota’s watersheds. You can find which watersheds are meeting standards, and compare the quality of the buffers in an area with the quality of the aquatic life there. Buffer strips are not the only tool to reduce pollution and sediment. Grass waterways, conservation tillage, tree plantings and other “Best Management Practices” are also used. The MPCA tracks progress in the 88 watersheds and displays information. Best management practices - Minnesota MPCA. Click here to drop a raindrop anywhere on this map of the contiguous United States and watch where it ends up.
Finding the Trempealeau River
Links from the September-October 2021 issue Click here to drop a raindrop anywhere on this map of the contiguous United States and watch where it ends up. Illinois is seeking to establish its first enforceable groundwater standards for PFAS. If the draft language goes into effect, the standard for some PFAS would be set at two parts per trillion, the most rigorous level in the country. Community testing results are available on a state-run website. (Scroll to bottom.) The Friends of the Mississippi River is wrapping up its four-year “Write to the River” project. You can read the online publications at the Friends website. Midmorning on a cool July day, a pair of unseen whooping cranes sang out in unison, which only pair-bonded cranes do. Like other bird calls, different cranes sing it differently, but this loud, trumpeting, high-low duet is impossible to forget and can project for up to two kilometers. whooping cranes on International Crane Foundation website.) The Iowa Department of Natural Resources has an online bicycle map.
Links from the July-August 2021 issue Wisconsin Online Outdoor Business Directory Ambient sounds on a Driftless habitat restoration project, “Ears in the Driftless”
Links from the May-June 2021 issue Bison Bridge Chad Pregracke wants to turn the Interstate 80 bridge at Le Claire, Iowa, into a “Bison Bridge:” a pedestrian crossing, the longest manmade wildlife crossing in the world and eventually a national park. About 100 acres of land adjoining the bridge could help support a small herd of bison, supporters say. Minnesota is seeking volunteers to spot pesky plants, specifically Japanese knotweed and wild parsnip. Volunteers can study a self-paced course that takes about four hours and will prepare them to report any pesky plants near them. If you’d like to help scientists understand precipitation, consider joining CoCoRaHS (the Collaborative Community Rain, Hail & Snow network). The National Weather Service, hydrologists, emergency managers and others use the network’s data to measure trends and make forecasts. Volunteers are asked to complete training and report precipitation, or the lack thereof, at the same time each day, using a standard four-inch rain gauge. Observers are especially needed in some rural areas, such as Buffalo and Richland counties in Wisconsin and Jackson County, Iowa. Fundraising for Water Level Gauges Fundraising is ongoing for the gauges that monitor water levels and warn residents of flooding downstream on the flood-prone Kickapoo River. The Monroe County (Wis.) Climate Change Task Force is about a third of its way toward its $60,000 goal to provide monitoring stations on the upper reaches of the Little La Crosse and Kickapoo rivers. They also hope to upgrade monitoring at the Norwalk Dam. Other donations also contribute to the maintenance of National Weather Service gauges at Ontario, LaFarge and Readstown. LaCrosse Hydrology Monitor Help in planting pollinator gardens A step-by-step guide to planting a pollinator garden from the Fish & Wildlife Service. A list of nectar plants best suited for your region of the United States from The National Wildlife Federation. Birdsong ID Are you looking for a quick tool to identify common Midwest birds by song and appearance? The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has an interactive online illustration of 24 birds by Bill Reynolds. Click on the bird to hear its song, supplied by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Rough Fish Rough fish may disappear from Minnesota waters, not because they get removed but because they get redefined. The 2021 Minnesota Fishing Regulations booklet includes a pitch touting the value of rough fish. The pitch in the beginning of the booklet notes the ecological roles that these fish play, and says “Killing and dumping rough fish is considered wanton waste (needless killing) and is illegal. Only kill a rough fish if you plan to use it.”
Links from the March-April 2021 issue River Cam Philanthropist — You can watch the Mississippi from the Sawmill Museum in Clinton, Iowa, whenever you want, thanks to the generosity of a Fort Wayne man who has now sponsored webcams at three Upper Mississippi River museums. Craig Herold, formerly of Winona, Minn., is donating the webcams in memory of relatives, museum director Matthew Parbst told the Clinton Herald (1-5-21). Herold-funded webcams also watch over the river at the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium in Dubuque, Iowa, and the National Eagle Center in Wabasha, Minn.
Dirty Songs? Lewiston, Minn. — Austin, Minn., singer-songwriter Bret Hesla and the band Six Feet Deep have recorded two songs commissioned by the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) to help farmers tune in to soil health. Hesla immersed himself in the subject at farms operated by LSP members in Austin and Goodhue, Minn. “Got Cover Crops” and “Back to Soil” have accompanying videos online. Winona’s Kobi Dansingburg produced and edited the videos. There is no charge for public use of the music or videos.
RV Explosion St. Croix, Minn. — Sales of recreational vehicles for camping took off in the pandemic, and the industry expects sharp growth to continue in 2021 — but where will all those RVs find a camping place? At least one Minnesota campground is adding more RV spaces. Veterans Campground on Big Marine Lake is acquiring 2.4 acres from Washington County’s Big Marine Park Reserve to get more RV camping space for military veterans. The 30 additional RV spaces would relieve a three-year wait for the current 156 spaces. Veterans Campground is 12 miles north of Stillwater, Minn., and six miles west of Marine on St. Croix. Once known as Disabled Veterans Rest Camp, the 69-acre Veterans Campground is run by a nonprofit for veterans and their families. The camp dates to 1926, when it was donated for World War I soldiers who lived with “shell-shock,” now known as post-traumatic stress disorder. The campground drew 35,000 visitors in 2019. After a two-month pandemic shutdown in early 2020, RV manufacturers hustled as sales jumped six percent over 2019. This year the industry expects a stunning 17 percent rise, to more than 500,000 units. Travelers craving a safe vacation may have trouble finding an RV camping space. Reserve early, urges Monika Geraci of the Recreational Vehicles Industry Association. Camping numbers rose in Wisconsin in 2020. Bookings for 2021 are up again, according to Craig Trost of the Wisconsin Department of Tourism. Wisconsin takes reservations up to 11 months in advance. “We do remind RV campers that our state parks do not have full water and sewer hookups, so plan ahead!” Trost cautioned. Wisconsin RV campgrounds with electric hookups include Interstate, Willow River, Perrot, Merrick, Wyalusing and Nelson Dewey state parks and Governor Knowles State Forest. If locked out of early reservations, keep an eye out for “last-minute cancellations,” Trost advised. Wisconsin’s campground finder is at TravelWisconsin.com. Minnesota’s is at ExploreMinnesota.com. Both Iowa and Illinois use ReserveAmerica.com.
Bumble Bee Spring — A Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On To learn more about native bees and native plants, check out the beautiful and very complete book, "Bees — An Identification and Native Plant Forage Guide," by Heather Holm, published by Pollinator Press, 2017. Also see https://www.pollinatorsnativeplants.com
Growing the Right Plant in the Right Place — Prairie Moon Nursery
Links from the January-February 2021 issue Take a virtual trip on the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway courtesy of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Follow the attempt to reel in the state fish in every state. FishAllFifty
Watch Shane Westen pedal down the river in a Hobie Outback Kayak.
Keep up on Mississippi source-to-sea paddlers with the Facebook group Mississippi River Paddlers.
Links from the November-December 2020 issue Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance website The WDNR is seeking volunteers for its self-service Adopt-a-Kiosk program for CWD testing. ——— Here's more info on River Actions's River Webinar series: Archaeologist Ernie Boszhardt will lead us on a virtual introduction to beautiful Little Bluff in Trempealeau, Wis. Sponsored by Mississippi Valley Conservancy. Discover Little Bluff Check out Lake Pepin Alliance's membership drive.
Links from the September-October 2020 issue • River Action will forego its annual in-person Upper Mississippi River Conference this year, opting instead for three online webinars. Webinars will cost $10 per session or $25 for all three. • The Conservation Grazing Map helps farmers and ranchers find public lands that are available for grazing livestock. The tool is a joint effort by the MDA, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and The Nature Conservancy (TNC).
•Like the overlook story in this issue? See overlook stories that we have published in the past. See all the overlooks on our Travel Map
Links from the July-August 2020 issue Mississippi River area webcams Headwaters of the Mississippi at Itasca State Park. (Minnesota DNR) National Eagle Center in Wabasha, Minn. National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium in Dubuque, Iowa St Louis Arch viewed from Illinois. (Camera installed by the local government.) The eagle trio near L&D 13, Fulton, Ill. (Stewards of the Upper Mississippi River Refuge) Mississippi River Flyway Cam, Brice Prairie, Wis. (Raptor Resource Center) Watch the river at St. Paul. (City of St. Paul) Driftless Area Education Center at Lansing, Iowa Dubuque County Courthouse Peregrine Falcons
Fishing information Fishing information is available at “Learn to fish” on the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources website. Explore fish in streams and climate data with FishVis by the USGS.
Links from past issues: Paddler Sampling: LouAnn Harris stand-up paddle— What I Learned; The Mullet Jay Kangler - Escape with Jay videos Max Berthou and Mark Pozlep link to Waterways Journal Maya Dizak and Michael McGuire and The Big Wet Trip on Instagram Dan Faust - Glory Days Mississippi River Paddlers Facebook Group
From Big River
Links to more information from stories in Big River Links to Mississippi River Resources Links from Reggie's Canoecopia presentation
Upper Mississippi River Restoration - Environmental Management Program (UMRR-EMP) Mississippi River Organizations Down the Mississippi: People taking all kinds of trips down the river Weather on the Upper Mississippi Water levels on the Upper Miss. 90-Day Journey of a Raindrop on the Mississippi River by Gayle Harper. Blog, Surrendering to Serendipity Download complete issues from 2006 and 2007 More Stories Published in past issues of Big River
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