Day Tripping on the Upper Miss
Exploring the Upper Mississippi
is easy for people who like to travel in a circle
and get back where they started by bedtime. Major
crossings are about 30 miles apart, so you can
go down one side, cross the river and come back on
the other.
also easy to spend a day exploring any of these
stretches. In each of our “River
Loops” columns we’ll prowl a stretch of the river
for interesting places and things to do. This
loop describes what to see and do
from St. Paul to Minneapolis.
St. Paul to Minneapolis
The Many Faces of the Urban River

Loop Links
For the whole Loop story and more Mississippi
River stories, order this issue now.
Sept.-Oct. 2009 Feature Stories |
Restoring the Floodplain Forest
River biologists are battling reed canary grass and black locust trees. By Pamela Eyden
Restaurant Review:
Kate & Gracie’s
Alma, Wisconsin
Dine in affordable comfort with a view of the river.By Pamela Eyden
Restaurant site
Turning a Problem into Profit
Schafer Fisheries processes millions of pounds of Asian and common carp in Thomson, Ill. By Reggie McLeod
Schafer Fisheries
Making Clinton, Iowa, a Greater Place
City leaders and volunteers are using grants and local support to make the river more accessible. By Becky Sisco
Down the Mississippi in a Homemade Boat
Urban Boatbuilders teaches kids how to make boats, then takes them on a river journey. By Bob Deck
See more river trips.