Big River Magazine
Explore the Upper Mississippi

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View the Mississippi from excellent overlooks up and down the river. More information on overlooks

The Big Campus: Augsburg's River Semester Nov-Dec 2015
The river was their classroom for three months. By Ryan Johnson

Sand Dollars — Mining Frac Sand in the River Valley (pdf) — Some of the best sand for fracture drilling is found in the exposed rocky bluffs along the Upper Mississippi. From July-August 2011 Big River. River News on frac sand from the latest issue.

2015 Mississippi River Paddlers
By John Sullivan

Repairing Driftless Area Fields and Streams (pdf) The Driftless Area — spanning the river in southwest Wisconsin, northwest Illinois, northeast Iowa and southeast Minnesota — contains hundreds of miles of trout streams fed by clear, 50-degree groundwater and springs emanating from the limestone-dominated bedrock. Countless cold-water streams meander through Driftless Area valleys.